The Libertarian Party of Hawaii has been actively engaged in the 2025 Hawai legislative session. We've been compiling information, categorized for your convenience, as well as activating our members to call lists and written testimony.
Here is the List So Far:
This movement is aimed at reinstating the constitutional provision preventing our armed forces from being sent overseas without a declaration of war from Congress. Help us get this draft bill sponsored before the 2026 session begins. This is a comprehensive Activism Packet that makes the movements as easy as possible.
Seven anti-gun bills were pre-filed this session with special emphasis on gun storage and liabilities for not adhering to them. One bill doesn't even require a conviction!
Thirty bills have been introduced aimed at prohibiting fireworks. This covers anything from stricter penalties, to special task force provisions, to drone and sensor technologies.
This bill would take away one of two remedies remaining for parents of school children to exempt out of vaccine mandates. If passed, the only remaining exemption would be a medical one signed by a physician.

How You Can Help
Each of the above links will take you to a dedicated post on the subject matter.
Click on the hyperlinks to familiarize yourself with the bill text(s).
Join Our Team!
You don't have to do this alone. We are here to help your actions succeed and get the voices of Hawaii heard! Contact us today to get tailored advice, collaboration, and support. And don't forget to let us know what issues matter most to you. Keep an eye out as we continue to publish on topics that most affect our liberty.